Okey dokey. So here's the thing.
we KNOW we actually turned in the last episode of "The Defenders Of Stan" a few weeks ago to channel101:NY (where, i might add, we got second place--losing only to OUR OWN SHOW). But we wanted to space apart the uploads, as the next screening of channel101:NY won't be until early next year (boo! hiss! boo!)
so without further ado, the comic book cover from "The Defenders Of Stan 19: The Curse of Dr. Unstoppable!" It's been uploaded to http://www.defendersofstan.com/ and THE BiG HONKIN' youtube & channel101:NY
But wait...what's this? I've clearly already uploaded the comic book cover for this month's episode. So what's that comic book cover doing down there?
Well, friend, i'll tell you. That comic book cover is the cover to an actual comic book! That's right. And just in time for the holidays!
Sure, the 2 year anniversary was a few months ago...Sure, it took us a little while to make this available online. but good things come to those who wait (note...i should point out that everyone who attended the last live screening channel101:NY screening got a FREE copy...but it's cool. you were busy).
"The Defenders Of Stan - Bring Your Brother To Work Day" on sale now!